
Trait writing model - you want to be a police officer you

Trait Writing Model

You want to be a police officer.  You can write on this


• The portfolio indicates progress or effort over time and the student can clearly articulate his/her growth as a writer.

• The portfolio reflects a high level of awareness of the process involved in writing: (planning notes, proper outline, implementation of plan, relation to peer feedback, relation to teacher's comments, and improvement after revision).

• Portfolio presents an effort to improve writing by relating to self, peer and teacher evaluations and reflecting on the differences between the drafts.

• The entries demonstrate consistent efforts to revise and improve writings over the course of the semester.


• The cover letter clearly demonstrates how aware the student has become of her/his writing, what has improved and what still requires work, including by making comparisons between entries.

• Cover letter and entry introductions clearly show how much the student has developed as a writer and how aware s/he is of her/his strengths and weaknesses.

• Student can effectively argue growth in his/her writing by providing multiple examples and reflections on the final products.

• Student can explain his/her strengths and weaknesses in the various entry choices.


• Student can clearly justify her/his choice of entries and how these choices have contributed to and represent her/his writing.

• Entries cover a variety of assignments given over the semester.


• The portfolio is well- organized, attractive and contains all required pieces. The portfolio is typed and submitted on time.

• Individual entries include: an introduction, a clean presentation copy of the writing, and any relevant drafts related to the entry.

• Student has gone beyond the minimum requirements and the portfolio demonstrates pride and effort to showcase his/her work.

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Other Subject: Trait writing model - you want to be a police officer you
Reference No:- TGS02821985

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