
Training and development

Thesis: In order to become a world class company we need to implementHR organization improvementsand become leaders who have great strategies. Our success depends on setting the team up for goal accomplishment, performance, and innovation.

Mission: Administer the highest quality guest care and treat every child as they are our own. Vision: Tobecome an exceptional organization, the standard by which others are measured.

Plan must includes:

Recruitment and selection

a. Finding the right people for the bus by utilizing references and evaluating performance prior to hiring.

Performance management

a. Evaluate team members monthly to ensure optimal performance.

Training and development

a. Utilize outside resources for training (continuing ed.) and fine tune skills in house.

Compensation and benefits

a. Set a tiered pay scale which will equal out overhead and eliminate the necessity of discretion

b. Benefit earning will be standardized based on time served within the organization.

Employee and labor relations

a.  Promoting effective, fair, and professional relationships between all  team members

Health, safety & security

a. Implement a health initiate to keep employees healthy thus reducing absences

b. Ensuring all possible safety/ security precautions are taken

HR Goals

Createcentralized human resources function located at our corporate offices that identifies and supports individual needs and

their use of locally assigned human resources contact.

Minimizing the inconsistencies that currently existing HR policies and practices across areas and implementing practice, process and structural changes that will ensure the consistent application of best practices in the human resources function enterprise wide.

Eliminating unnecessary duplication of processes and services in the HR function.

Ensure that HR personnel receive the training and experience they need to develop their expertise and cultivate opportunities for career advancement in the HR field.

Improve communications and information sharing among all areas to ensure consistent application of the HR function.

Boost employee morale by finding innovative ways to upkeep employee satisfaction.

Train employees to go above and beyond to ensure customer satisfaction thus increasing profits& shareholder value.

Identify the voids in our industry as well as our organization and fill them.

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Prepared by a verified Expert
Other Management: Training and development
Reference No:- TGS01767375

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