
Traffic control errors for a random sample

Complete the following:

Q1. An air traffic control error is said to occur when planes come too close to one another. The following data represent the number of air traffic control errors for a random sample of regions around the US for fiscal years 1996 and 2000.

Center                                           Errors 2000                               Errors 1996

Washington                                        102                                            24

New York ARTCC                                  71                                             44

Indianapolis                                         54                                             39

Memphis                                             38                                             21

Los Angeles                                         33                                             19

Jacksonville                                         30                                             27

New York TRACON                                 27                                             33

Miami                                                  21                                             15

Northern California                                 18                                             30

Oakland                                               17                                             20

Chicago TRACON                                   14                                             13

Oakland Bay                                         8                                               6

Washington Dulles                                  7                                              2

Cleveland                                             74                                             32

Chicago ARTCC                                      70                                             26

Atlanta                                                40                                             36

Dallas Forth-Worth                                34                                             23

Denver                                                33                                             11

Kansas City                                          28                                             20

Albuquerque                                         25                                             21

Boston                                                21                                             13

Houston                                              18                                             7

Minneapolis                                          15                                             13

Salt Lake City                                       12                                             8

Miami                                                  8                                              2

a. Compute the sample mean number of errors in 1996 and 2000

b. Compute the median number of errors in 1996 and 2000.

c. Given the results of a. and b., decide whether the distrubution of "number of errors in 1996" is symmetric, skewed right, or skewed left. What about number of errors in 2000?

d. Compute the sample standard deviation number of errors in 1996 and 2000. Which year is more dispersed?

e. Compute the five number summary for each year.

f. On the same graph, draw boxplots for the two years. Add some general remarks comparing each year's errors.

g. Describe the shape of the distribution of each year, as shown in the boxplots. Does this confirm the result obtained in part c?

h. Determine whether the data for each year contain outliers.

i. Explain why comparing 1996 data to 2000 data maybe misleading.

Q2. Weights of males vs. females: According to the National Center for Health Statistics, the mean weight of a 20-29 female is 141.7 pounds,with a standard deviation of 27.2 pounds. The mean weight of a 20-29 Male is 172.1 pounds, with a standard deviation of 36.5 pounds. Who is relatively heavier: a 20-29 female who weighs 150 pounds or a 20-29 year old male who weighs 185 pounds? Why?

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Basic Statistics: Traffic control errors for a random sample
Reference No:- TGS01897467

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