Question 1: The British Trade Union movement is a long drawn procedure of struggles dissimilar the condition in the Indian Trade Union movement. Critically study.
Question 2: Describe the historical importance of the Indian Trade Unions Act, 1926. How did it help in the growth of Trade Union movement in India?
Question 3: Critically observe to what extent judiciary protected the Right to Form Association under the Indian legal framework?
Question 4: The problem of outsiders in the Trade Union relates back to the origin of Trade union legislation in India. Do you agree with this statement? Critically observe the role of outsiders in the trade unions.
Question 5: A Trade union is entitled to carry out legitimate activities peacefully. Comment on it. What is the scope of immunity from civil and criminal liability conferred on the Trade Unions?
Question 6: Describe the provisions of Trade Unions Act associating to registration of Trade Union. What are the remedies accessible to the members in case of refusal of registration under the Trade Unions Act?
Question 7: Inter-union and Intra-union rivalry proved fatal to the development of a responsible Trade Union movement in India. Comment on it. What are your proposals to free the Trade Union Movement from such inhibiting factors?
Question 8: Critically observe the judicial response to the bonded labor system in India and state whether it is sufficient for the complete eradication of this social evil.
Question 9: Critically observe the legislative efforts of the Government of India in the direction of protecting unorganized labor.
Question 10: Write brief notes on any two of the given terms:
a) Agricultural labor.
b) Recognition of Trade Unions.
c) Politics and Trade Unions.
d) Child Labor.