
Track flight prices on most airlines flights open up for

Track Flight Prices On most airlines, flights open up for sale 331 days in advance. That is the earliest you can book a flight, about 11 months in advance. Select a total of four different airlines; two serving short haul and two for long haul markets and track the prices for 35 days prior to the departure date (DOD). Having selected the routes and the airlines, record the price every two days, from January 22, 2018 to February 5, 2018, until 15 days from DOD, then every day for the remaining three weeks. You need to register the prices for two differences time periods; early morning and the last flight. a. Record the variation in the ticket prices for the last 35 days graphically and fit a trend line. b. Do ticket prices rise when closer to the date of departure? If yes, why? c. Measure the standard deviation, mean and max of your recorded ticket prices. d. Comment on your observations and the possible reasons for the price variation between days until take-off. e. If you are a revenue manger, do you have any incentive to overbook your flight and why? On this project, you must provide detail answer to each of the questions above, You will be graded based on of the quality of your work, the clarity of your writing and points will be subtracted from assignments which are sloppy. You follow APA format (Page, margin, references, figure numbers and tables, appendices, or footnotes).

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Operation Management: Track flight prices on most airlines flights open up for
Reference No:- TGS02901907

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