
Trace the development of some significant aspect of society


Trace the development of some significant aspect of society, culture, or government from its initial discussion/inception in the literature of the Ancients through the seventeenth century and how this development is treated in the literary texts of multiple cultures.

The purpose of the World Literature I Research Project is to further the student's understanding of the correspondence between the history of the culture and literary texts.

In this project, the student is required to utilize the texts in World Literature I and draw connections between the content of the texts and the historical commentary therein.

Further, the student is required to use exterior materials to the textbooks to further substantiate this correspondence.

All materials need be properly used and documented in the MLA formatting and documenting style with proper in-text citations and a complete works cited page at the end (not to be included in the page count).


-In a paper of no fewer than eight (8) full pages of text (typed in Times New Roman 10-12 pt. font, double-spaced, with MLA formatting), please fully and completely respond to the following prompt.

-Texts from each cultural unit of our readings must be used. Additionally, three or more "outside sources" (materials not in our text) must be employed to substantiate the observations you make.

-You MUST cite any direct quotes, paraphrases, or summaries in MLA citations and include a proper MLA Works Cited page documenting the full details of the materials used at the end of your project.

Chapter 1 :  Circling the Mediterranean : Europe and the Islamic World

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