
Trace out the events leading to hyperinations in either

Econ 592, Fall 2016: Research Paper Instructions

Sixteen percent of your course grade will depend on a 5-8 page research paper. Your research paper should combine economic theory with sound data analysis. Listed below are the potential research paper topics, each of has readily accessible economic data and sources.

• Assess the viability of a currency union in North America, South America, the MENA region, or East Asia

• Evaluate the sustainability of the current account deficits of one of the following countries: Australia, Greece, Ireland, Portugal, or Spain.

• Trace out the steps that led to the recent Greek debt crisis and compare the financial situation in either Ireland, Portugal, or Spain to that in Greece.

• Make a case for or against dollarizing one of the following economies: Angola, Argentina, India, Nigeria, Thailand, Turkey, or Venezuela. If these countries were to dollarize, what currency would they adopt?

• Trace out the events leading to hyperinations in either Germany from 1922-1923, Hungary from 1945-1946, or Zimbabwe from 2007-2008. What were the leading causes of hyperination? How was this hyperination eventually dealt with?

• Using the theories of IRP and PPP as well as its trade balance with the US, evaluate whether or not China's currency is undervalued relative to the dollar. Assess the impact of China revaluing its currency on both the Chinese and US economies.

• Read through the IMF World Economic Outlook for 2016. Then select two countries (one developed and one developing) and contrast their economic outlook using the information in the WEO as well as the tools learned in class.

A good paper will roughly have the following structure:

1. An introduction that identifies the key issue at hand and discusses its significance
2. A literature review that summarizes the current state of the debate on the issue
3. A discussion/results section in which you argue your case based on your quantitative and qualitative research.
4. A conclusion in which you place the novelty and significance of your findings in perspective.

This should be a fun way to learn more about an interesting issue whilst boosting your grade. It will not, however, be any fun at all if you wait until the last minute to complete the report. I strongly urge you to meet with me frequently about your paper. I am happy to read through any drafts you have written (at any stage of completion) and provide you with feedback, as long as you give me at least a week before the final submission deadline.

When you have completed your paper, you must submit it electronically on Blackboard. Go to the Re-search Paper section of the Blackboard site and select the Econ 592 Research Paper option. Complete the instructions to submit your paper. Papers will be checked for originality through Turnitin. After you submit your paper, you will be able to see your "originality report," an assessment of how original your paper is relative to existing sources (a plagiarism check). I strongly encourage you to submit your paper before the deadline so that you can revise any inadvertent plagiarisn before the final deadline. If you want to resubmit your paper before the deadline, use the Econ 592 Research Paper: Revision 1 link.

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International Economics: Trace out the events leading to hyperinations in either
Reference No:- TGS01659003

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