Trace developments in the pnw during the three eras

Essay Assignment

The three sections of Carlos Schwantes' book The Pacific Northwest: An Interpretive History are: Frontier to Urban, 1870-1917;

Progress/Discontents, 1880-1940; and Pacific Northwest Comes of Age, 1940-1995. In the Essay you will be asked to trace developments in the PNW during those three eras. In studying for the essay, make sure to have a solid understanding of change over time and the forces that drove that change. Think about the following categories of change: social (including gender and race), economic, political (both domestic and international), cultural, and environmental (including natural resources).

The response should include a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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History: Trace developments in the pnw during the three eras
Reference No:- TGS02994736

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