
Tourism as a tool to build community

Problem Based Workbook:

1. Futures Wheels – Tourism as a Tool to Build Community Well-being Capitals

In the practical activities doe session 1 the class worked on a futures wheel to suggest ways in which agri-tourism could be used to improve cultural capital in the Can Tho region of Vietnam. For this workbook exercise you should take one of the other community well-being capitals from the Flora model presented in the lectures and complete a futures wheel yourself that maps out different ways agri-tourism in Can Tho can contribute to your chosen community capital. You can use the following smart art diagram to map out your futures wheel by adding your chosen capital to the middle circle and then filling the surrounding circles with the features of tourism  in Can Tho that you think would be required to support a positive contribution to the your chosen community capital. You can add more circles if required. Then you should think about the actions that need to be taken now to achieve each of the things listed in the circles.  Once the wheel is complete you should write a paragraph summarizing the pathways that you have identified linking agri-tourism to the capital you have analyzed.

In ten years, tourism will veritably make a positive contribution to the financial capital in Can Tho, Vietnam.Tourism would induce an injection of financial resources into the economy of Can Tho through tourists exchanging and spending currency to pay for their tourism experience. This increase in spending, demand and market size, would stimulate trade, entrepreneurship and income in the region. Consequently, this tourism factor acts as a catalyst that kickstarts a chain of events. An increase in financial resources, would mean an expansion of industries which ultimately would result into an increase in job opportunity in this region. Additionally this increase in financial resources would also serve in increasing development of the region as with greater revenue, government would earn and spend more as they have a greater tax revenue.

2. Using Policy Instruments to Address a Barrier to Sustainable Tourism Development

In the practical activities for the second session you would have worked with other students in a group to develop a policy, using three different policy instruments to address a barrier to sustainable tourism development in Can Tho. In this workbook exercise you need to repeat the exercise with a different barrier that you believe is particularly relevant to the Can Tho region. You should begin with a few sentences identifying the barrier to sustainable tourism development you have selected (it cannot be the one addressed in class) and explain why you think it is particularly relevant to the Can Tho case. Then you should describe a policy to address your chosen barrier that uses three different types of policy instrument.  You should plan to write a paragraph describing each barrier and a paragraph that describes who the three instruments will work together in your proposed policy.

3. Using a Partnership or Network to Address a Destination Capacity Issue

The second practical activity in session 2 identified capacity issues for Can Tho as an agri-tourism destination and the class worked in groups to outline a partnership or network that might be useful in building stakeholder knowledge of tourism.  In this workbook activity you should think about tourism leadership as a capacity building issue for Can Tho and then write approximately one page outlining how a partnership or network could be used to address this need.  In your answer you should explain whether you think it can be best addressed by a network or partnership and then describe who the partners/network members would be and why they should be involved. You should also outline the activities that network/partnership would be responsible for and explain how it would be managed.

4. Analyzing the Vietnam Tourism Plan

The Vietnam government has a national tourism strategy that has been made available for you.  In the lectures for session three, five different approaches to tourism planning were discussed. In this workbook activity you should read this national tourism plan and identify which of the five tourism planning approaches is being used by the Vietnamese government. In your answers you should identify the planning approach being taken and provide evidence from the plan that supports your conclusion. The answer should be approximately one page in length.

5. Enhancing Public Participation in Tourism Planning and Management

The lectures and practical activities in session three covered the importance, techniques and issues involved n developing effective public participation in tourism planning. In this workbook activity you should select one stakeholder group connected to the development of agri-tourism in Can Tho (for example farmers, other residents, small businesses in the region, aid agencies), and use a page to describe the core elements of a plan to support their participation in the planning and management of agri-tourism in this destination.

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