
total marks 15 1-2 pages

Total Marks – 15 ( 1-2 pages answers)

Large department stores are several storeys high and carry a wide range of products. In many of the departments, there are significant quantities of aerosol cans. These can be found in garden sprays (pesticides and herbicides), household cleaners (pesticides), personal care products (hair sprays, deodorants, etc.), and cosmetics (high alcohol content). Many aerosol propellants consist of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), which is highly flammable.

The chance of a fire is low but if it should occur, the aerosol cans can ‘rocket’ and quickly spread the fire. Customers, particularly children and the elderly, would need assistance to evacuate the building. Their exit may be hampered by the maze of walkways department stores use to maximise floor space. Further, elevators cannot be used, and most people do not know where the fire exits are.

It may take up to 10 minutes for the fire brigade to arrive, and in the maze of walkways between shelves, someone who is trapped may be very hard to find.

Prepare an outline of an emergency response plan for a six-storey department store. Your outline should form the basis for training sales staff about how to act in emergencies such as a fire.

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Business Management: total marks 15 1-2 pages
Reference No:- TGS0176817

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