
Topics for paper are venus and pluto who are your deities

Topics for paper are Venus and Pluto.

1. Who are your deities and what do they do? What is a famous myth associated with them? Who are your deities' Greek counterparts?

2. Why do you think your gods or goddesses were important to Roman belief, society, and traditions? In other words, what types of individuals would have prayed to your deities? (Think of these individuals' gender. occupation, concerns, etc.)

3. Find and choose a Roman god or goddess that has no eastern or Greek counterpart (1.c., authentically Roman). Why do you think this god or goddess was important to Roman society? What purpose did he/she/it serve in Roman society?

4. Which words in English take their meanings, or are associated with, your deities? Please list at least two words and their definition, one for each deity. The word may relate to either the Roman or Greek name of your god or goddess.

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History: Topics for paper are venus and pluto who are your deities
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