
topical routethe medication in topical route is

Topical Route

The medication in topical route is administered through ear, nose and eye.

Drops are instilled into the nose, ear and eyes of the child in much the same way as they are in the adult with the following exceptions.

  1. The dose of medication may be smaller than the amount the adult receives. 
  2. The use of a medicine dropper that has a smooth tip to prevent injury. 
  3. Medication warmed to room or body temperature before administration. 
  4. Child's co-operation must be obtained, if child is young then he must be adequately restrained. 
  5. The young child's head must be immobilized to prevent any accidents. 


  1. To relieve nasal obstruction. 
  2. To shrink the mucous membrane. 
  3. To relieve the stuffed feeling. 
  4. To reduce excessive nasal discharge. 


  1. Hold the infant in cradle position when administering nasal drops. 
  2. Tilt his head back and stabilize it in the crook of your arm by pressing it between your arm and body. 
  3. Squeeze drops into each nostril as prescribed. 
  4. Ask him to sniff after you instill the drops. 
  5. Ensure that he does not sneeze; as the medication will be sprayed out. 
  6. If child is older, place in supine in a bed with a pillow under his shoulders to hyper extend his head over the pillows. After instilling keep the head below the level of the shoulder for 3 to 5 minutes.

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Biology: topical routethe medication in topical route is
Reference No:- TGS0176487

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