
Topic-private vs public schools-test scores


Essay introduction and development pattern

In this assignment, you will work to create an informative and dynamic introduction. A dynamic introduction is important to grab your readers' attention, and it also sets a tone for your essay. To write an effective introduction, writers use many different types of patterns of development to provide an introduction that not only introduces their thesis statement, but creates interest that insprires readers to read the rest of the essay. Write an introduction to create interest for your essay.

To Prepare Your Introduction:

Choose a pattern of development explained in your textbook from the list below:

a. Narrative
b. Description
c. Illustration
d. Process Analysis
e. Comparison and Contrast
f. Classification and Division
g. Definition
h. Cause and Effect

Use the pattern of development that you have selected and create your introduction.

At the top of your paper, place the type of pattern of development you have chosen.

At the end of your introduction, place your thesis statement

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English: Topic-private vs public schools-test scores
Reference No:- TGS01925269

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