
Topic of the papernbsptechniques or schemes or methods for

Topic of the Paper:

Technique(s) or scheme(s) or method(s) for detecting, preventing or mitigating DoS or Distributed DoS (DDoS) attacks.

Assignment Guidelines

The following must be considered when you write the paper:

Select 3-4 research papers (in addition to those provided/suggested for the class) which discuss detection, prevention, or mitigation techniques for DoS or DDoS attacks:

The research papers must be published by a peer reviewed journal or be published in conference proceedings (e.g., IEEE, ACM, IBM Systems Journal, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), etc.). Use the UMUC online library resource if necessary.

You must not choose papers or research works from magazines or periodicals that are not research-oriented (e.g., Wikipedia, SANS, etc.).

Briefly explain your rationale for selecting a specific research paper.

Allocate sufficient time to read the research papers. Reading a research paper requires more time than most people realize.


Summarize each research paper and identify a combined total of three different detection, mitigation, or prevention techniques described in EACH of the papers you selected. For example: you can have a) one detection + two prevention methods, OR b) one detection + two mitigation methods, OR c) one detection + one prevention + one mitigation

Further Instructions:

Describe how each technique works. Clearly describe (in detail using your own words), how each technique works. Assume that you are explaining the author's technique to someone with a fairly strong fundamental knowledge in network and security (e.g., a first year computer science graduate student) and assume the student has no knowledge of the author's research (never read the article before). Discuss each technique or method using the following questions:

Is the proposed technique a promising, practical approach which can be effectively implemented into an existing platform? Clearly explain your answer.

What are the strengths and weaknesses (limitations) of this technique?


Make sure there are No IPR (Intellectual Property Right) issues. This requires the following:

Re-draw all figures and tables.

Summarize all concepts using your own words.

Do not copy any part of text or unmodified figures (short quotes are acceptable.)

Cite references as needed using APA format.


 To support your claims or statements, you may cite/reference non-peer reviewed papers and journals (including white papers, SANs documents, etc.; do not have to be academic papers or articles, however, no Wikipedia or blogs).

Submission Guidelines

Print format: MS Word or PDF format.

The general structure of your research paper:

  Name and Title

Brief Intro

Background (if needed)

Main Sections

Conclusion (if needed)


The paper length: 6-10 double space pages (good, solid content which is factual, relevant, and concise), not including the cover page and reference page(s).

Follow the APA format.

Turnitin.com requirement: Please see the Turnitin Conference posting for Turnitin requirements and metrics.

Upload your report to your Assignment Folder

DUE DATE: End of Week 5 (Two Week assignment - Week 4 and Week 5).

Grading Criteria - CSEC640 IA #1


This assignment is worth 10 percent of your total grade.



Excellent A (90+)

Satisfactory B (80-89)

Below Expectations (below 80)

Content (80%)

3-4 Research papers selected as per assignment guidelines.

(0-25 points)

All the selected research papers are from scholarly sources and directly related to detection, prevention or mitigation techniques for DoS or DDoS attacks as per assignment guideline. The rationale for selection is well explained.

All the research papers selected are from scholarly sources however are not directly related to detection, prevention or mitigation techniques for DoS or DDoS attacks. Rationale for selection is adequately explained.

Not all the research papers selected are from scholarly sources and/or are not directly related to detection, prevention or mitigation techniques for DoS or DDoS attacks

Clarity of discussion of the summary and identification of the 3 techniques for each paper as explained in assignment guidelines.

(0-25 points)

Each research paper is well summarized, and the 3 techniques are clearly identified for each paper

Each research paper is adequately summarized and the 3 techniques adequately identified for each paper

Each research paper is poorly summarized and/or the techniques poorly identified for each paper

Clarity of discussion of the way each technique works as explained in assignment guidelines.

(0-25 points)

Each technique identified is clearly described as per assignment guidelines

Each technique identified is adequately described as per assignment guidelines

The techniques identified are poorly described and do not follow assignment guidelines

Quality of support documentation (excluding the 3-4 research papers) as explained in assignment guideline.

(0-5 points)

The discussion in the paper is based on thorough review of the literature.

The discussion in the paper is based on an adequate review of the literature.

The literature review presented in the paper is inadequate.

Paper Format (20%)

Organization & length


The content is well organized with clear transitions among major subtopics. Meets length requirements.

The content is generally well organized with some improvement possible in transitioning among subtopics. Meets length requirements.

The organization of the content is confusing without clear transitions among subtopics. Does not meet length requirements.

Writing style


Graduate level writing is reflected throughout the paper, including accurate spelling, punctuation, grammar, and sentence structure.

Writing is acceptable, a few errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, and/or sentence structure.

Writing does not meet graduate standards. Unacceptable number of errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, sentence structure, and/or citation format.

Use of proper APA formatting

(0-6 points)

In-text citations are presented in proper APA format and all sources are identified in the reference list and cited in proper APA format.

Minor errors in citation identification and/or APA format.

Unacceptable number of errors in citation identification and/or APA format.


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Other Subject: Topic of the papernbsptechniques or schemes or methods for
Reference No:- TGS01107878

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