Topic: Nursing Research
Quantitative Article Components -
I - Research Design
- What was the research design (e.g., experimental, quasi-experimental, non-experimental, descriptive, correlational)?
- Is the design appropriate for the study (look at the research question)?
- Did the research design minimize bias and threats to internal construct and external validity (look up these concepts in the text)?
- Was there an intervention (e.g., education, pretest/posttest, drug trial)? If an intervention, describe it.
- If staff were used, were they appropriately trained (this will be stated in the article)?
II - Data Collection and Measurement
- What strategies were used to collect the data (e.g., semi-structured interviews, open-ended interviews, chart reviews, etc.)?
- Were the data collection methods appropriate for this study?
- Was there a rationale given for data collection tools used?
- What were independent and dependent variables (look at the Methods section and Tables in the article)?
- Did the study collect data using a validated instrument (e.g., Beck's depression scale)?
- If an instrument was used, describe the instrument.
- Did the researchers provide the reliability and validity of the instruments used (e.g., Cronbach alpha #).
- If the researchers provided a Cronbach alpha, explain what the number means.
III - Data Analysis
- What statistical tests were used to analyze the data (e.g., t-test, ANOVA, logistic regression)?
- Were the results significant (look at the p value, which is 0.05 or 0.01)?
- What do the results tell you about the plausibility of the hypotheses (you have to decide it the findings answered the research question)?
IV - Discussion and Implications
- What were the major findings?
- Are these results generalizable?
- Did the researcher report limitations of the study?
- What are the implications for nursing practice?
Qualitative Article Components -
I - Research Design
- What was the design of the study (e.g., qualitative description, grounded theory, ethnography, phenomenology, case study)?
- Is the design appropriate for the study (look at the research question)?
- If the researcher(s) was in the field, how long did they stay?
II - Data Collection
- What strategies were used to collect the data (e.g., semi-structured interviews, open-ended interviews, chart reviews, etc.)?
- Was there a rationale given for data collection tools used?
- Did the study collect data using a validated instrument (e.g., Beck's depression scale)?
- If an instrument was used, describe the instrument
- Did the researchers provide the reliability and validity of the instruments used (e.g., Cronbach alpha #).
- If the researchers provided a Cronbach alpha, explain what the number means.
- Were the data collection methods appropriate for this study?
III - Procedures
- Did the researchers adequately describe the data collection methods?
- Do these methods seem appropriate?
- If staff were used, were they appropriately trained (this will be stated in the article)?
IV - Trustworthiness or Credibility
- Did the researchers address trustworthiness or credibility?
- If addressed, what methods were described (e.g., inter-rater reliability or reflexivity)
V - Data Analysis
- How was the data analyzed (e.g., content analysis, grounded theory iteration, phenomenology process)?
- Did the authors describe the data analysis methods?
VI - Findings
- What were the findings?
- Did the researchers summarize categories or themes with use of excerpts and supporting arguments?
- Were the categories or themes insightful, provocative, authentic and meaningful picture?
- Did the researcher report limitations of the study?
VII - Interpretation
- Were the findings interpreted within the appropriate context (theme or category)?
- Were the findings discussed within context of previous studies?
VIII - Implications
- Did the researchers discuss implications for clinical practice?
- Do the implications affect nursing practice?
Articles -
1. The Effect of Cognitive Stimulation on Nursing Home Elders: A Randomized Controlled Trial by Joao Luis Alves Apostolo, Daniela Filipa Batista Cardoso, Ana Isabel Rosa, & Constanc ¸ a Paul.
2. HIV, Gender, Race, Sexual Orientation, and Sex Work: A Qualitative Study of Intersectional Stigma Experienced by HIV-Positive Women in Ontario, Canada by Carmen H. Logie, LLana James, Wangari Tharao, Mona R. Loutfy.
Total 2- 3 pages with citation and references.
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