
Topic kneeling during the national anthem standing up

Question: Topic: Kneeling During the National Anthem: Standing Up Against Kneeling During the National Anthem

Criteria for Success: 1. Essay follows appropriate format guidelines: 1,500-2,000 word, Times New Roman font, double spaced with regular margins and MLA running headers.

2. Essay is focused on one of the articles that we have read and discussed as a class.

3. Essay analyzes all rhetorical elements (situation. purpose. claims, audience) of the text.

4. Essay has a unique and clear thesis.

5. Claims are well-supported by specific examples from the text.

6. Analysis is organized in a logical way.

7 Essay is proofread, spell-checked, and free of almost any surface errors.

8. Student completes multiple drafts and incorporates feedback.

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Other Subject: Topic kneeling during the national anthem standing up
Reference No:- TGS02797131

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