
Topic honolulu international airport conduct a security

Topic: Honolulu international airport; conduct a security review based on open source information about the airport collected online or from a visit to the airport. Because of security issues at airports, you will not be able to obtain detailed information. Just make an assumption as to what security the airport has or does not have. Based on what you learned in the course and what information you have obtained about the airport you selected develop a written airport security program as discussed in the Price & Forrest text and from your research. (Honolulu International Airport)

The paper will be 10-15 pages, double spaced, 12-point font, Times New Roman, free of spelling and grammar errors. APA format with cover page, headers, numbered pages, table of contents, abstract, body of the report, and at least 5 references.

here are 5 resources I've found so far...
Associated Press. Ex-pilot avoids jail for cutting line. (2015). retrieved April 7, 2015. from: https://www.staradvertiser.com/news/20150403__Ex-pilot_avoids_jail_for_cutting_line.html?id=298570351

State of Hawaii. Passenger Screening. (2015). retrieved April 15, 2015. from: https://hawaii.gov/hnl/ticketing-check-in/passenger-screening

Department of Homeland Security. TSA management and oversight at Honolulu International Airport. (2012). retrieved April 7, 2015. from: https://www.oig.dhs.gov/assets/Mgmt/2012/OIGr_12-128_Sep12.pdf

State of Hawaii. Hawaii Airport Modernization Program. (2008). retrieved April 7, 2015. from: https://www.hawaiiairportsmodernization.com/3/honolulu-international-airport

H. Dicus. FAA agent: Honolulu airport security best in country. (2001). retrieved April 8, 2015. from: https://www.bizjournals.com/pacific/stories/2001/04/30/story7.html?page=all

Heres an outline of the paper I need completed

1. Abstract
A. This research involves digging deep at Honolulu International Airport concerning its airport security. The purpose is so provide examples and review equipment and methods used to keep the airport sterile and safe from illegal contrabands.
2. Table of Contents
3. Honolulu International Airport Security Review
A. Passenger screening
- magnetometers
- x-ray
- full body screening
- advance imaging technology
B. Management and oversight at Honolulu International Airport
- leadership and supervisors
C. Current upgrades to Honolulu International Airport
- current major overhauls expanding the airport
- security checkpoint expansions
D. Types of security equipment used at Honolulu International Airport
- TSA not providing HNL with requested EDS equipment
E. TSA employees/employment
- inadequate staffing
F. Vulnerable access points at Honolulu International Airport
- examples from being a all access employee
- examples and results to secure these vulnerable points
4. Conclusion
5. References

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