
Topic-greenspan and glass-steagall


DQ 1. Greenspan and Glass-Steagall

Greenspan undermined the application of Glass-Steagall and vigorously supported its repeal.

Greenspan tried to create a whole new regulatory environment for banking based on an ideological model.

Then he offered his mea culpa:


For more on Greenspan and Glass-Steagall:


How do you think this knowledge relates to the current economy?

DQ 2. Hi ECO561 Class!

I think Peter Schiff deserves an apology!

Check it out:


What do you think?

DQ 3. Select a firm whose stock is publicly traded on a U.S. stock exchange.

What strategic changes has this firm made over the past 18 months to respond to changing macroeconomic conditions?

Were those strategic changes successful?

Could the firm have made additional or better strategic choices?

DQ 4. Based on your knowledge of strategy formation, how do the economic concepts in this course affect strategic planning?

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Microeconomics: Topic-greenspan and glass-steagall
Reference No:- TGS01864372

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