Topic: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the use of Renewable Energy Sources.
Paragraph 1:
Topic sentences- Renewable energy source protect against the pollution and destruction from environment by minimizing waste at which natural resources are used to produce energy.
Explanation-Energy which generates from natural resources without any fossil fuels are consider as renewable energy resources
Example - biomass energy, hydro energy
Important: Introduction of renewable energy sources.
Paragraph 2:
Topic sentences - Mainly the advantages of renewable energy and environmentally and economic benefit.
Explanation- Energy generated from natural resources (solar energy) are free from environment damage and by using fossil fuels environment cause major damage mainly wildlife and human life
Example - Paris Climate agreement.
Important: Present trend solar energy play vital role in generation.
Paragraph 3:
Topic sentences - The main disadvantage of renewable energy is large quantity of generation is not possible.
Explanation- Depending on climatic condition energy can be reduce.
Paragraph 4:
Topic sentences - Another disadvantage is many solar panel required to generate power in a city.
Explanation - During the weather condition difficult to generate required energy
Example - unpredictable climatic condition
Important: Generation of large quantity of energy is critical in certain weather condition.