
Topic description new all week 7 forum rogerian speech

Topic Description NEW ALL Week 7 Forum: Rogerian Speech Discussion Your initial response should be at least 200 words. You need to respond to two students' initial posts, and each of these responses should be at least 150 words. The initial post plus two peer responses, according to the rubric, has the potential to earn a C grade. Four posts of high quality, according to the rubric, has the potential to earn a grade of B, and five high-quality posts all meeting the highest rubric standards has the potential to earn a grade of A, or all the points available. This forum has two parts. Recall the two presidential speeches that were given by both President Obama and President Reagan, respectively. Note that these two presidents used the Rogerian method of argumentation to not only win over those who agreed with their viewpoints, but also to win over those who held different views. Think about a national or international issue that matters to you and write your own speech for that issue, using the Rogerian style of argumentation. How would you win over the other side? You don't need to use citations, but please do not create statistics or 'facts.' You might also find this video on the Rogerian form helpful: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9knvRXU8zQ&feature=youtu.be. Please note that you have the option of having the text of the video appear if you check the CC icon at the bottom of the screen. Does your speech follow the pattern generally? Next, consider the following. During week seven, you are creating an argument using the Rogerian method. Have you used this style of argumentation before in your studies or career (either verbally or in past writing assignments/projects)? Will you use it in the future? Why or why not? In your response to your classmates, comment on the persuasiveness of your classmate's speech - do not comment on whether or not you agree with the issue. Did this student follow the Rogerian format? Why or why not? 102Forum Rubric.pdf 

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