Topic: CS and Math
Question: Write the python code for the following problem. Problems are given below.
1. Modified Cholesky Factorization: An n x n positive definite matrix A can be factorized into A = LDLT, where L is lower triangular and D is diagonal.
Modifications to the diagonal elements of D are applied to ensure that the matrix is "sufficiently positive definite" as follows:
Implement the modified Cholesky's algorithm by integrating the above modification in the appropriate part of the code. Apply your algorithm to the following randomly generated matrix:
import numpy as np
A = np.random.rand(10, 10)*2 - 1
A = A + A.T
Quantify the difference between A and the modified version A, as outputted by the algorithm by 1) comparing the eigenvalues of the two matrices; 2) comparing the diagonal values of the two matrices, and 3) computing the sum of the squares of the non-diagonal elements of A - Am. Use appropriate scipy functions for eigenvalue and norm computations as needed. Use δ = 10-8 and β = 100 in your implementation. Comment on your results.
2. Steepest Descent with quadratic interpolation line search: Consider the usual steepest descent step xk+1 = xk + αkpk, where αk is the step size and pk = -∇f(xk). During the k-th iteration of the steepest descent algorithm, we first make and initial guess α0 for the step-size as:
α0 = (2(f(xk) - f(xk-1)))/φ'(0),
where φ(α) = f(xk + αpk). Performing a quadratic interpolation using φ(0), φ'(0), and φ(α0) as knot points and minimizing the quadratic, we obtain the new trial step
α1 = φ'(0)α02/(2[φ(α0) - φ(0) - φ'(0)α0]).
If the sufficient decrease condition:
φ(α) ≤ φ(0) + c1αφ'(0)
is satisfied, we terminate the search, Otherwise, we use φ(0), φ'(0), and φ(a1) as new knot points and continue the search. Write a python program using the TensorFlow package to implement this approach. Apply your implementation to minimize the Rosenbrock function and benchmark the required number of iterations to converge to the minimum [within 10-6 tolerance) against the built-in method GradientDescentOptimizer () with constant learning rate 0.001. Use c1 = 10-4 in your implementation.
3. Conjugate Gradient (CG): Let A be n x n positive definite matrix. Implement the CG method for solving the linear system Ax =b as outlined in attached file.
Apply your algorithm to solve a linear system in which Ai,j = 1/(i + j - 1) and b = (1, 1, · · · , 1)T. Set the initial point x0 = 0 and try dimensions 5, 8. Report the number of iterations required to reduce the residual below 10-6. Verify your solutions by comparing your results with the builtin scipy solver.
Attachment:- Assignment File.rar