
Topic based on the pew research hispanic centers website

Research Paper:

Each student will be able to select a specific topic based on the Pew Research Hispanic Center’s website. The topic selected will be related to a broad topic dealing with Latino Politics in the U.S. Each person will write a 4-5 page (double spaced) paper on his or her specific topic, synthesizing (relating/blending) their topic in relation to the course Latino Politics in the United States. Again, the paper must be written in Normal, Times New Roman 12 inch font, with 1” margins. Please number your paper. The body of the text being 4-5 pages does not include your title page and annotated bibliography. You must cite at least 5 sources in your paper. Three of which will be the utilization of an article from the Pew Hispanic Research Center along with your textbooks as sources.

Pew Research Hispanic Center: https://www.pewhispanic.org/

Go to the above website, select “topics”, browse the list of topics, select one, and begin your research.

• Make sure the paper stays 4-5 pages. You do not help your grade by writing past 6 pages.

• Use 12 point Times New Roman font, 1 inch margins, and double space. I will notice if you try and “stretch” your paper to 4 pages.

• Please use MLA format

• Please make sure your paper is numbered, with your title page as page zero.

• Please use 5 sources (2 of which are your Pew Research Article and textbook)

• Please provide an annotated bibliography with your paper

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Other Subject: Topic based on the pew research hispanic centers website
Reference No:- TGS01428363

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