Topic 1 what are the challenges for a business that aims to

Write 3000 words Assignment on topic

  • Topic 1: What are the challenges for a business that aims to be both legal and ethical?

The Essay requires:

  • The appropriate use of essay format: headings, introduction, discussion, conclusion.
  • A thorough research and treatment of the contemporary literature in the topic area.
  • A range of references that should demonstrate breadth and depth of research.
  • Industry/organisational examples should be incorporated into the essay as illustrative evidence
  • An ability to utilise the wider literature in constructing the narrative is displayed throughout.
  • Displays critical evaluation and diagnostic skills in the choice of the data included.
  • Displays critical evaluation in the choice of the information sources used.
  • Appropriate and accurate use of the Harvard Referencing System

You must use a minimum of 12 references:

  • Text books :The prescribed text and at least 4 other text books
  • At least 4 academic journal articles (found using EBSCO, Emerald, ABI/Proquest, Science Direct, Informitetc)
  • 3 other source of your choice : Blog, newspaper, magazine or other Internet source
  • No more than 2 reference may be general Internet based sources.
  • Wikipedia is not to be used and does not count as an academic reference.

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Business Law and Ethics: Topic 1 what are the challenges for a business that aims to
Reference No:- TGS0664751

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