
Topic effects of various irrigation techniques on wheat

Topic : effects of various irrigation techniques on wheat production

Preparation for the task The task in this assessment is to define a 'research problem' and conduct a 'review of theory' to support your research topic.

To prepare yourself, your reference text is Salkind (2006). The two relevant chapters are chapter 2, 'The Research Process: Coming to Terms', and chapter 3, 'Selecting a Problem and Reviewing the Research'. Also a key reading is that from Dr Martin Davies (2005), placed as a collected reading in module 2 of this learning guide. Read these then other relevant readings - e.g. Saunders et al. (2003); Gill and Johnson (2003) - to help define a research topic that suits your personal and professional interests. Understand that within this subject you will not actually carry out the research project itself, although you will theoretically follow the whole process to become familiar with research methods. The task With the preparatory reading completed move directly into the research simulation. You need to have a certain appreciation of the real world context in which you will your research ideas. The first step is to write a general focus research statement and/or research problem. Once you have initially formulated your research problem the literature review begins. Undertake a meaningful review of theory capturing the perspectives of a range of authors using the different search methods available at the Library. Your goal is to clarify a conceptual framework for the conduct of your project. While doing the theoretical review you will be referring to the work of other researchers.

You will need to refer to them in a manner that is internationally accepted and include a full citation in the reference list at the end of your document. Use the APA referencing style (see Subject requirements/Referencing your information sources in this subject outline). For your review of theory you are expected to use database and printed tertiary sources to identify relevant secondary literature. Begin with those tertiary sources that abstract and index professional journal articles and books. At the same time, obtain relevant literature that has been referenced in articles and papers you have accessed. Also you may wish to extend your search using the Internet. Keep proper records of all sources you think you may finally use in your review. One way of doing this is to use citation management software such as Endnote® or Procite®. (Note that these programs can sometimes cause extra work, particularly in getting in-text references into the format you want. For small research projects the value of these programs is questionable.) You are entitled to obtain a copy of Procite® (CSU students) or Endnote® (University of Sydney students) for the duration of your enrolment; refer to the Library website or contact the Orange campus librarian. Rationale To demonstrate the capability to provide an analytical and synthetic review of previously published related information. Marking criteria Explanation rubrics for marking Criteria HD DI CR PS FL Marks Inductive and deductive processes of inquiry: a critical appraisal (report) The student completes the preparatory reading and moves directly into the research simulation.

The student develops a certain appreciation of the real- world context in which they will locate their research ideas. Selects a theme that would possibly help solve at least one issue of agriculture in their region. Writes a general focus research statement and/or research problem. Undertakes a meaningful literature review of theory capturing the perspectives of a range of authors using the different search methods available in the Library. Clarifies a conceptual framework for the conduct of the project. Refers to the work of other researchers, while developing the theoretic framework and in a manner that is internationally accepted and includes full citation details in the reference list at the end of your document. Maintain accurate records of all sources you think you will use in the report and use the APA referencing style (see Subject requirements/ Referencing your information sources in this subject outline). For the review of theory the student uses database and printed tertiary sources to identify relevant secondary literature. The student may extend their search using the Internet. Presents the report neatly and following professional etiquette. The report shows a sophisticated level of sharpness in selecting an appropriate and most suitable theme for the review of literature. The theme is very applicable and relevant to the area (region) from which the student comes. The focus statement is clearly articulated and is explicit in identifying the purpose of the literature review. The report is exhaustive and thorough, at the same time demonstrating a broad and deep understanding of the identified problem.

The report demonstrates a broad and deep understanding of the issue and its importance in the geographical region. The report provides a well chronicled background context and literature. The report includes an exhaustive set of details pertaining to the chosen theme and analyses them in the most convincing manner. The report is more-than- adequately supported by relevant and effectively designed graphics and other pertinent models that go a long way in explaining the context of the chosen theme. The report runs logically, clearly, and succinctly to explain and illustrate the expected knowledge and understanding and shows a high order of incisive thinking, which is amply demonstrated by powerful remarks. Contemporary and appropriate examples have been thoughtfully integrated to effectively support the explanation. The report is illustrative and applies the most convincing set of coherent arguments as relevant to the required context. The report is comprehensive and flows easily providing a great comfort to the reader. All consulted sources are appropriately, flawlessly, and adequately referenced in the endlist of references following the prescribed style.

The report shows a high level of sharpness in selecting an appropriate and most suitable theme for the review of literature. The theme is relevant to the area (region) from which the student comes. The focus statement is articulate and is explicit in identifying the purpose of the literature review. The report is exhaustive, at the same time demonstrating a very good understanding of the identified problem. The report demonstrates a sound understanding of the issue and its importance in the geographical region. The report provides a chronicled background context and literature. The report includes a broadly exhaustive set of details pertaining to the chosen theme and analyses them in a convincing manner. The report is adequately supported by relevant and well presented graphics and other pertinent models that explain the context of the chosen theme. The report runs logically and clearly to explain and illustrate the expected knowledge and understanding and shows a high order of sharp thinking, which is amply demonstrated by pertinent remarks.

Contemporary and appropriate examples have been thoughtfully integrated to effectively support the explanation. The report is illustrative and applies the most convincing set of coherent arguments as relevant to the required context. The report is comprehensive and flows easily providing a great comfort to the reader. All consulted sources are appropriately, flawlessly, and adequately referenced in the endlist of references following the prescribed style. The report shows an acceptable sharpness in selecting an appropriate and suitable theme for the review of literature. The theme is relevant to the area (region) from which the student comes. The focus statement is reasonably articulate and is generally explicit in identifying the purpose of the literature review. The report is clear enough, at the same time demonstrating a good understanding of the identified problem. The report demonstrates a clear understanding of the issue and its importance in the geographical region. The report provides an acceptable background context and literature. The report includes an acceptable set of details pertaining to the chosen theme and analyses them in a broadly convincing manner.

The report is supported by relevant graphics that explain the context of the chosen theme. The report flows well to explain and illustrate the expected knowledge and understanding and shows an acceptable level of thinking, which is somewhat supplemented by pertinent remarks. A few contemporary and appropriate examples have been integrated to effectively support the explanation. The report applies a convincing set of coherent arguments as relevant to the required context. The report is acceptably comprehensive and flows easily providing reading comfort. All consulted sources are adequately referenced in the endlist of references following the prescribed style. The report includes an acceptable theme for the review of literature. The theme is shown to be somewhat relevant to the area (region) from which the student comes. The focus statement is reasonably explicit in identifying the purpose of the literature review.

The report is just clear enough, modestly demonstrating an understanding of the identified problem. The report demonstrates a basic understanding of the issue and its importance in the geographical region. The report provides an acceptable background context and literature. The report includes an acceptable set of details pertaining to the chosen theme and acceptably analyses them. The report is generically supported by relevant graphics that explain most of the context of the chosen theme. The report flows reasonably well to explain and illustrate the expected knowledge and understanding and shows an acceptable level of thinking, which is not supplemented by pertinent remarks. A few contemporary and appropriate examples have been included to support the explanation. The report applies some coherent arguments as relevant to the required context. The report has minor issues in providing reading comfort. All consulted sources are reasonably adequately referenced in the endlist of references following the prescribed style. The report includes a just acceptable or unacceptable theme for the review of literature. The theme is shown to be somewhat relevant or irrelevant to the area (region) from which the student comes. The focus statement is not explicit in identifying the purpose of the literature review. The report is not clear enough; demonstrating a lack of understanding of the identified problem. The report fails to demonstrate an understanding of the issue and its importance in the geographical region. The report provides an unacceptable background context and literature as it lacks enough detail. The report includes an acceptable set of details pertaining to the chosen theme but analysis lacks acceptable depth.

The report lacks in supportive graphics that explain the context of the chosen theme. The report lacks in logical flow; supplementary remarks are lacking. No contemporary and appropriate examples have been integrated to support the explanation. The report applies some arguments as relevant to the required context but they tend to lack coherency. The report has major issues in providing reading comfort. All consulted sources are not adequately referenced in the endlist of references following the prescribed style. 15 The assignment will be marked using the following format Evaluation of Settings of the Document. This area evaluates whether: HD DI CR PS FI 1. The paper is consistent in terms of required standards for layout, formatting, overall organization and distribution of contents 2. The table, figures and plates setting out is adequate (captions, numbering, source) 3. The citations and references are set out in a proper manner and are complete 4. The paragraphs have thematic unity and they build on each other to create a coherent argument 5.

The language expressions are plain and ideas are clearly expressed-without spelling mistakes Evaluation of Contents of the Document. This area evaluates whether: 6. The title makes sense, is clear, attractive and concise. It covers the paper argument as a whole 7. The introduction informs the reader about background to the topic, identifies the critical issues that justify the topic and outlines the major components of the paper 8. The research problem is clear, well defined and encompasses well the research question 9. The review of literature is thorough and updated and the different authors' ideas are logically interconnected 10. The review of literature is organised in a critical - not descriptive - manner and the author(s) of the proposal demonstrate command of the review for the specific purposes of this proposal 11. The review of literature wraps the research problem creating a suitable conceptual framework for the proposal 12.

The quality and number of the references offer good evidence of the scholarship of the author Relevance of the Document. This area evaluates whether you consider that: 13. The document is well written piece of research 14. The document evidences independence of thought and approach 15. The document evidences deep knowledge and/or creative interest in the field of study 16. The structure of the document, conceptualisation and critical analysis give evidence that the analysis has been carried out with rigour Presentation On page 1 of your assignment write a 'free choice' title for your document, followed by your name as the author, and at least one means of contact. Following the above requested information continue on pages presenting your Introduction. Here you may explain how you, as a student, are using this exercise to develop your researching capability by providing a background statement that locates the research problem within its real world context. Next you present the main body of the paper: - describe research problem - articulate a conceptual framework to your research problem, developed by your reading. You may call this section Conceptual framework, and/or Review of literature, and/or Theoretical framework. Please remember to develop this section with abundant support from the scientific literature, duly cited. It is expected that most of your references will be scientific journals. Finally write the list of References. It is important to recognise that at this stage your skills in scientific referencing should be near to perfect. Add the cover page to your document.

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Dissertation: Topic effects of various irrigation techniques on wheat
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