
Topic - the role of foreign direct investment fdi in the

Topic - The role of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the economic development of China during the 21st century

Do parts 3, 4 and 5 as per the feedback. Which is 3 methodology, 4 data analysis and findings and 5 conclusion.

The key points you need to address are from the report:

Data Analysis: Very difficult to work out what has been done. The data appendices consist of data for 30 Chinese provinces for 2005 and 2016. The regression reported Table 5 has 30 observations. The text does not match the reported results. Possibly the dependent variable is the change in GDP per capita between 2005 and 2016. In this case it is hard to make sense of the reported fixed and random effects equations of Table 5.

Hypothesis Testing: The core hypothesis is that FDI boosts economic growth. There is some suggestion that this is to be tested with a cobb douglas production function p29 but what is presented gives a coefficient on gdp growth and does not include physical capital (despite including this variable in the Appendix). P29' the coefficient of gdp growth rate impact on economic growth ....'  .The CD function is incorrectly described as an endogenous growth model p22. H2 is bidirectional causality but there is no test of this.

In the first instance you need to explain better what you have done.

If you are trying to establish the effects of FDI on economic growth you need to spell out an appropriate model/ equation. Table 5 appears to have both FDI and economic growth as explanatory variables ( which must be wrong). It is not clear what the dependent variable is.

You really need more data observations than 30.


  • Research design and method
  • Sampling, Data Collection and Data analysis
  • Data
  • Regression Variables
  • Variables from the database

Results and Findings

  • Fixed Regression Model and Random Effect Model


  • Conclusion

Total 6000 words (not including the table graph) for Chapter 3, 4 and 5.

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Dissertation: Topic - the role of foreign direct investment fdi in the
Reference No:- TGS02686219

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