
tools and techniques of layout planning -

Tools and Techniques of Layout Planning - Templates

Templates are most commonly employed when preparing layouts. Templates are two dimensional (2D) or block templates consist of a thin plate of wood or metal which serves as a gauge or a guide in mechanical work. A plant layout template is a scaled representation of a physical object in a layout. This object may be machine materials handling equipment, a worker or even materials.

The templates are fixed to a plan drawing and are moved around the drawing to explore the various layout possibilities until a layout, which eliminates unnecessary handling and back tracking of materials and offers flexibility to admit revision at the least cost, emerges. The template method is particularly useful in developing a layout for an existing department or building or when the configuration of the building is already established through other layout techniques. Where a layout is to be developed with no building around, other techniques,Will be useful.

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Project Management: tools and techniques of layout planning -
Reference No:- TGS0179975

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