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Today's presentation we are going to talk about Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) which is the organization that Stewart Products intends to apply. So far the company owns a building that is built on Green principles and is looking for proper certification of that building.
For the History of LEED, LEED is began in 1993 under the leadership of Natural Resource Defense Council (NRDC). At that time the senior scientist was Robert Watson who led an agreement meeting process till 2007. The initiative brought together non-profit firms, government departments, and professionals like engineers, architects, software developers, house builders, and industry leaders. It also had close relations with the US Green Building Council (USGBC)
LEED has since grown from providing standards in the construction industry to an integrated system of inter-linked standards that includes aspects of design, construction, maintenance and operations of buildings. Also it has evolved to represent and include the emerging green building technologies. Some of the achievements include a suite for Green Building Design and Construction, Green Interior Design and Construction, Green Building Operations and Maintenance, and Green Neighborhood Development
The LEED for Schools is a program about building safe and sustainable schools. In other words, the LEED suites have are the result of detailed research on how every aspect of human habitation can be made sustainable and safe
In the second part about LEED the report will show how the LEED products have spread into the market as well as the efforts to increase the market share. Fundamentally, LEED is doing better at accredation of buildings compared to the competitors. The Green Building Certification Institute has described the accrediation that LEED offers as demonstrative of the contemporary knowledge of green building techniques, offering best practices and chainging the LEED Rating Systems.
LEED has managed to disintegrate the unit requirements of green building in the new and competive green energy industry. Also, they have allowed for the development of specilization in the fragemented units such that the clients receive the best experience in the consitituent fields. Therefore, obtaining a LEED creditial implies that the construction receives backing from a host of knowledgable stakeholders that include employers, insurers and policymaker that support green housing development
LEED is working to influence the world in constructing green-friendly houses. So far they have established collaborations in USA and Canada. USA is the parent country where the governement requires that every construction is LEED certified