
Today emerging markets serve as the worlds economic growth

Today, emerging markets serve as the world's economic growth engine, and the far-reaching effects of their spectacular rise continue to play out. But their risks are often downplayed. Therefore, taking advantage of emerging-market opportunities requires careful planning. After careful review of the emerging trends, I have come to relize that the leading emerging markets will continue to drive gloabl growth. Estimates show that 70% of world growth over the next few years will come from emerging markets, with China and India accounting for 40% of that growth. Adjusted for variations in purchasing power parity, the ascent of emerging markets is even more impressive: the International Monetary Fund (IMF) forecasts that the total GDP of emerging markets could overtake that of the developed economies as early as 2014. I also found out that market leaders will also become a disruptive force in the gloabal competitive landscape. This means that these emerging market companies will continue to be critical competitors in their home markets while increasingly making outbound investments into other emerging and developed economies.

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Dissertation: Today emerging markets serve as the worlds economic growth
Reference No:- TGS02498128

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