
To write your paper find and then review a research article

Question: To write your paper, find and then review a research article in a Psychology Journal or publication. The review should be 4-5 pages typed and double-spaced. Please submit with your paper a copy of the article and the abstract. Please also note, you must submit your article to me for approval before writing your paper.

Your review should include, but should not be limited to, the following aspects of the research article:

1) Author's name, title of article, name of the journal, year and volume, number of article, page #'s, and index number of the abstract for that article.

2) What is the hypothesis being tested?

3) Who are the subjects? How and why were they chosen?

4) What are the independent and dependent variables?

5) What were the results and implications of the study?

6) How could the study have been done differently to make the results more valid or generalizable?

Also, please underline or highlight the answer to each of the questions above in your paper.

Article: EGR3 Immediate Early Gene and the Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor in Bipolar Disorder (By Bianca Pfaffenseller, Flavio Kapczinski, Amelia L. Gallitano and Fábio Klamt)

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Dissertation: To write your paper find and then review a research article
Reference No:- TGS02772653

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