
To whom is the speaker speaking what impression do you


1. Study Questions on Tennyson's "Ulysses"

1. What does the speaker mean when he says "I am become a name"(l.11)? What is his attitude towards this?

2. In ll.18 23, the speaker describes himself as "a part of all that I have met,"(l.18) and contrasts this to a view of experience as pointing to an "untraveled world"(l20). Describe what the speaker's attitude towards experience is here.

3. In the last 20 lines of the poem, the speaker makes a decision about what he will do. Describe this decision, and why the speaker has made it.

2. Study Questions on Browning's "My Last Duchess"

1. How does the speaker try to explain the "spot/Of joy" that can be seen in the Duchess's cheek?

2. The speaker says of the Duchess, "her looks went everywhere." What does he mean by this? Why does it make him angry?

3. To whom is the speaker speaking? What impression do you think he is trying to make? Why?

2. Study Questions on Arnold's "Memorial Verses" and "Dover Beach"

1. In "Memorial Verses," what is Arnold saying about Wordsworth in these lines?

The cloud of mortal destiny,
Others will front it fearlessly-
But who, like him, will put it by?

2. In "Dover Beach," what is meant by the "Sea of Faith" in the third stanza? What has its withdrawal caused to happen?

3. In "Dover Beach," what reasons does the speaker give for telling his love that they should be "true/To one another" (ll.29 30)? What does the speaker think their love will accomplish? Why?

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Other Subject: To whom is the speaker speaking what impression do you
Reference No:- TGS02418960

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