
To what human experience does the work relate how is that

Select two pieces of music or songs (one from Leann Rimes and one from Dirty Beaches) that express the human experience. One piece of music or song is one you have encountered in your own life (Leann Rimes) and one piece of music or song must be from the Classical Music of the 20th Century (Dirty Beaches).

Human experience, or the human condition, includes experiences with birth, death, love, loss, pleasure, pain, hope, frustration, elation, despair, values, and beliefs; those %u201Cthings%u201D that make us human.

Describe each piece of music or song you have selected and answer the following questions:

To what human experience does the work relate?

How is that human experience meaningful to your life?

How does the work express or relate to your human experience?

What social, cultural, and moral values does the work express?

Cite your references.

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Other Subject: To what human experience does the work relate how is that
Reference No:- TGS0617853

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