The focus of this paper is the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) which is a trade agreement between 12 countries situated on the Pacific Rim. For this paper, you will study the trade relationship between United States and one other country on the list of TPP participants. You will conduct library research and read at least three scholarly articles about the trade relationship between these two countries in order to answer the questions listed below. Please list your sources.
You will submit a paper (2000 words). In the paper, discuss how the readings relate to what we are learning about international trade in the course. The paper should include the following:
a. List the major goods/services traded between the country you have been assigned to and your chosen country. Determine factor abundances of the two countries (you can use labor force statistics and either land or capital) and test whether the trade patterns match the predictions of the HO basic proposition.
b. Who will gain and who will lose from the TPP agreement between these two countries? Provide specific examples from the readings to substantiate your answer.
c. To what extent does the H-O-S theory and the Stolper-Samuelson theorem contribute and/or fail to contribute to our understanding of the impact of trade?
Your paper will be judged on the basis of the following criteria:
1. Organization: The paper should be well structured and ideas should be presented effectively so that there is an introduction, some closure and an orderly progression from one idea to another. Avoid including irrelevant information, make the paper as cohesive, and focused as possible. Proper syntax, spelling and grammar are important.
2. Analysis: The paper should complete all the required tasks listed above. The answers to all questions posed above should be thoughtful and reflect higher order thinking skills. The paper should analyze issues instead of merely listing them. Present the major ideas with clarity and logic. Write the paper in your words instead of paraphrasing or giving direct quotes from the book whenever possible. But if you use direct quotes please cite page numbers and use quotation marks.