To what extent does [ each Béné et al narrative from below] apply to the goals of the BC Dairy system?
Begin by defining/describing the narrative and McDonaldization, and then explain how the unique characteristics of the BC dairy system align with this narrative and in which ways they do not.
1) four narratives from the Béné et al (2019) paper
a) "Feed the future world population"
b) "Inability of the system to deliver healthy diet"
c) "Equal and equitable benefits"
d) "Unsustainability of the system and impact on the environment"
To what extent does [insert Mcdonaldization narrative from below] apply to the goals of the BC Dairy system? Begin by defining/describing the narrative of McDonaldization, and then explain how the unique characteristics of the BC dairy system align with this narrative and in which ways they do not.
2) McDonaldization (Ritzer 2013)
a) Include reference to all 4 dimensions (efficiency, predictability, calculability, control) in your definition and response.