
To what extent do the cultures and procedures of budgeting

Assignment -

The aim of the first assessment item is exploratory, showing in-depth understanding and comprehension of a given topic and key concepts. It aims to test your ability to digest and explain complex issues and make a convincing case or answer after weighing the available evidence and arguments. Please cite particular examples to illustrate your discussion, and indicate on which country or countries you are focussing.

1. To what extent are government budgets hard to control and manage? Consider the various functions and imperatives budgets are meant to satisfy, and discuss the various ways governments have tried to improve the formulation of their budgets.

2. Governments often claim that they want their budgets to be more strategic. To what extent can governments impose their chosen strategies and priorities over budgets? Are budgets really amenable to reallocation?

3. In public finance what are the strengths and weaknesses of nations having multiple layers of separate jurisdictions such as in federalism or nations with strong regions? How do such nations arrange for transfers between levels of government and how does this relate to reporting on performance?

4. Why do governments use and rely on multi-year fiscal frameworks and budgetary rules? How are these set and imposed, and what factors influence their effectiveness or survival? Are frequent changes and adaptation in rules a necessary condition of budgetary control?

5. To what extent do budgetary theories realistically explain budgetary behaviour? What influence can central budgetary agencies have in effectively controlling budgetary outcomes?

6. To what extent have budgetary reforms lived up to expectations? Were reforms aimed at increasing managerial flexibility worthwhile or have they reduced budgetary controls and accountability for the expenditure of public resources?

7. Government budgets tend to consist of considerable 'non-discretionary spending', 'locking-in' governments both today and into the future (often called moving on 'auto-pilot'). Discuss why this occurs and assess to what extent the problems of `lock-in' can be realistically mitigated?

8. To what extent do the cultures and procedures of budgeting itself lead to the expansion of public provision and the growth of the public sector? What influences the size of the public sector over time?

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Finance Basics: To what extent do the cultures and procedures of budgeting
Reference No:- TGS02935850

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