
To visualize and verify fluid properties characteristics

Assignment-Extensive Report


To visualize and verify fluid properties, characteristics and behavior and to compare with different given fluids


Understand the physical properties and characteristic behavior of fluids.


Every student is required to write an extensive laboratory report. The report must include the following tasks:

1. Determine density and specific gravity for at least three different liquids (water, cooking oil, and glycerin) and compare between your results.

2. Determine the capillary effect of the three liquids in different diameter tubes.

3. Verification of Archimedes principals.

4. Flow through Orifice (determine the coefficients of discharge, velocity and contraction at constant flow rate for a sharp edged orifice).

Report Format

- Number of pages: Maximum 10 pages including references list and the appendix (if any).

- Line spacing: Generally use 1.5 x line spacing.

- Start with the title page (including your name) or student number as requested.

- It is preferable to place figures within the text rather than group them at the end of the report.

- Give a sequential number to all figures (Fig. 1, Fig. 2, Fig. 3, etc.)

- Add a brief, informative caption to the figures.

Report Sections

The Report should contain the following sections:

- Abstract

- Introduction

- Materials and Methods

- Results

- Discussion

- Conclusions and Recommendations

- References

- Appendices

Report Component and Specifications

ABSTRACT (Maximum Half Page)
- Consists of no more than 150- 250 words. ?
- States the major objectives.
- Briefly describes the methods and materials employed, especially if they are novel or unfamiliar.
- Summarizes important results and conclusions.
INTRODUCTION (Maximum one and half pages)
- Lists objectives of the study.
- Provides background on the experiment, including relevant theory on which the experiment is based.
- Refers to important previous studies

Methods and Materials
- Provides a sketch of apparatus and its components if readers would not be familiar with it.
- Identifies the materials employed and their relevant properties.
- Lists in order the procedures performed

- Presents all experimental and analytical results.

- Interpret the results in light of what you expected based on published information.
- Identifies the significant sources of error and assesses the reliability of your results.
- Comments on any abnormalities in the procedure that might affect results.
- Identifies and explains any unusual or surprising results

Conclusions and Recommendations (Maximum half page)
- Lists the conclusions reached as a result of this experiment.
- Restates any limitations, assumptions or violations of assumptions that might qualify the conclusions.

- Provide at least 10 references.
Appendices (extra; no marks are assigned)

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Civil Engineering: To visualize and verify fluid properties characteristics
Reference No:- TGS01385722

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