
To understand the working of coordinate system the


This session introduces the student to the main concept of OpenGL explaining how graphics are generated through the OpenGL library by describing the structure of OpenGL, in this session the student should get to understand the following:

How to install the OpenGL/GLUT library files into the system.
Understand the basic syntax of OpenGL functions.
Understand the purpose of each function invoked.
Writing a simple routine to create line segment.
Understanding the displaying callback function.

By the end of this session the student must be able to write a complete OpenGL program using C++.


To understand the working of coordinate system, the gluOrtho2D command and its different parameters. To draw points at different locations.


To understand the working of GL_LINES command and its different versions such as GL_LINE_LOOP and GL_LINE_STRIP
How to draw different line patterns with these commands
To write a simple program that would implement Bresenham's line drawing Algorithm


To understand the working of GL_POLYGON command.To work with different versions of GL_QUADS and GL_TRIANGLES. How to draw different shapes with these commands


To implement circle drawing algorithms. To draw a shaded circle using polar coordinates.


To implement two dimensional translation using glTranslatef command.


To implement two dimensional scaling using glScalef command.

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Prepared by a verified Expert
Software Engineering: To understand the working of coordinate system the
Reference No:- TGS0663418

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