
To understand and apply the processes of cost estimating


Aim :

To understand and apply the processes of cost estimating


A university in Sydney wants to run a residential course on project management in Newcastle, Australia. The University's course objectives are to provide a profile for the university's commitment to project management education and to provide the attendees with the knowledge.

The University has already sought tenders from project management consultants to provide project management services for the residential course and your consultancy was the successful bidder. The University's own project sponsor for this project is Professor Clinton (an academic staff member at the university). In your first meeting with Professor Clinton, he discussed the scope of the project and asked you to submit a report which provides an cost estimate (excluding revenue considerations) for the proposed course.

The following outline scope statement was provided:

• 3-day residential course in Newcastle to be run in March 2015

• the course divided into 6 sessions (2 sessions per day) is to be led by 3 lecturers from Curtin Sydney

• course attendee's stationery, food and accommodation will be provided

• an end-of-course dinner (with entertainment) to be organised on the evening of the second day

• costs are to be based on an expected attendance of 100 attendees

You should contain the following sections:

1. an introduction to the report (there is no need for an executive summary)

2. a brief explanation of how the data required for the estimate was collected/sourced (ie analogous, parametric, definitive, locations searched, etc)

3. a detailed list of the contents of the estimate and the respective costs. All sources of cost information must be referenced both in-text and in a reference list at the end of the report. Costs should be easy to obtain given that this is not an unusual project. A clear and full explanation of the scope of each item (ie quantity, type, etc) must be provided (including any necessary calculations required to arrive at the cost) and a cost per delegate. You are not required to investigate or report on sponsorships for the course


The assignment should be typed on A4 paper (using one side only of each A4 sheet of paper) in double space typing and presented with a cover sheet setting out your name, lecturer's name, unit title and the topic of the assignment.

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Project Management: To understand and apply the processes of cost estimating
Reference No:- TGS01785861

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