1.Show the order in which the nodes in the tree, which I included in the attachment are processed by
a. an inorder traversal of the tree.
b. a postorder traversal of the tree.
c. a preorder traversal of the tree.
2.A priority queue of strings is implemented using a heap. The heap contains the following elements:numElements [10]
[1 ]"intelligent"
a. What feature of these strings is used to determine their priority in the priority queue?
b. Show how this priority queue is affected by adding the string "interviewing."
3.This is the specification of the directed graph
ZooGraph = (V, E)
V(ZooGraph) = {dog, cat, animal, vertebrate, oyster, shellfish, invertebrate, crab,
poodle, monkey, banana, dalmatian, dachshund}
E(ZooGraph) = {(vertebrate, animal), (invertebrate, animal), (dog, vertebrate),
(cat, vertebrate), (monkey, vertebrate), (shellfish, invertebrate),
(crab, shellfish), (oyster, shellfish), (poodle, dog), (dalmatian,
dog), (dachshund, dog)}
To tell if one element in ZooGraph has relation X to another element, you look for a path between them. Show whether the following statements are true, using the picture or adjacency matrix.
a. dalmatian X dog
b. dalmatian X vertebrate
c. dalmatian X poodle
d. banana X invertebrate
e. oyster X invertebrate
f. monkey X invertebrate