
to surveys a lab for its fire preparednessas said


As said earlier in this activity you are going to survey the labs of the institution where you are working at. Look for the fire safety measures adopted by it.

Prepare a critical report in the light of what you have studied in Unit 12. You may look for different types of fire extinguishers available in the lab.

1.  Make a list of all the types of fire extinguishers and the type of fire they can be used for.

2.  Note the condition of fire extinguishers, their date of inspection or validity.

3.  Check for the positioning and accessibility of the extinguishers.

4.  Conduct a survey to find out how many members of the staff are aware of the placement of fire alarms and use of fire extinguishers.

5.  Look for alternative exit routes and emergency phone numbers in case of an outbreak of fire.

6.  Record your observations in the table and respond to the statement given under report.


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Science: to surveys a lab for its fire preparednessas said
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