
To support the required reading material with more focused

Response Paper

There are three main purposes for this assignment:

1. To support the required reading material with more focused information regarding one or more of the key concepts introduced for that week, especially information that relates to wider applications of anthropology;

2. To develop critical thinking and analysis skills;

3. To develop writing skills.

Choose a reading or set of two readings from the optional readings list that interests you. You are free to choose a reading/set from those listed for the second half of the course. The readings have been selected to provide you with a wide range of topics, many of which will overlap with other anthropological subfields (archaeology, bioarchaeology/physical anthropology, and linguistics). I will happily discuss the general gist of individual readings you may be interested in before you choose one. Read the paper(s) at least once - I strongly suggest that you do a quick first reading to get an idea of the subject matter, approach, theory(ies) involved, etc., followed by a second, more critical reading of the material.

Then produce a 3-4 page response paper based on your reactions to the reading(s). It must be double-spaced, 11-pt font, with 1" margins; do not justify. The paper must be a minimum of three (full) pages and a maximum of four pages. I will not deduct points for a paper that is slightly over the maximum if it is necessary to support your point, but beyond five pages there will be a deduction. There will be a deduction for papers shorter than the minimum requirement.

A response paper is an essay. It should briefly (no more than 2 paragraphs - ½ of one page to one full page) state the premise, main argument(s), and normally the theoretical framework(s) employed by the author(s). The body of the paper is entirely up to you, but you must include, after your summary, the focus of your response. Some of the issues you may choose to address include: did the author(s) convincingly argue their position or are there problems with their reasoning or gaps in their methodology?;

what were the social, political, and/or historical settings/events that influenced the position(s) taken in the reading(s) and are they still valid given more modern perspectives?; how does the position/theory/interpretation presented agree with or differ from either earlier or later positions and are any more valid than others?; have you or others you know had experiences that involve issues addressed in the material, and if so, how do the concepts/issues expressed in the reading(s) relate to their/your experience? The essay does not need a dedicated conclusion paragraph, but you should include at least one sentence summing up your position.

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English: To support the required reading material with more focused
Reference No:- TGS01185887

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