To stimulate your thinking about the ongoing refugee crisis, I have created a section on the web page (left hand side) called UNHCR stories. The weekend before each class, I will add a link to a news article on the UNHCR website.
Please copy 2 sentences from that article; write a 3~5 sentence reaction to the article. Collate the responses from weeks 1-5 and add them to your midterm. Similarly, collate the responses from weeks 6-10 and add them to your final.
1. you have to copy some 2 sentences form that article.
2. write a 3~5 sentence reation to the article.( your opinion.)
no1. article
A tough road north for Central American children
no2. article
no3. article
Desperate refugees and migrants in Serbia face freezing temperatures
no4. article
After the battle, Aleppo residents want to get back to work