The objective of MDG1 is to ‘eradicate extreme hunger and poverty' and it has three targets:
1) to reduce extreme poverty by one-half between 1990 and 2015 the proportion of people whose income is less than one dollar a day (MDG1A);
2) to achieve productive and decent employment (MDG1B); and 3) to reduce hunger by half (MDG1C).
Based on what you have learned from the reading/videos and how the alphabet organizations (CARE & the WFP) operate, what would you develop as the main strategies for achieving the targets:
MDG1A and MDG1C in a country like Uganda. Enumerate a list of actions/interventions with a brief rationale (one sentence) of why such action/intervention would be instrumental to reduce hunger and poverty.
Be sure to include enough rationale/fact/explanations to support your statements.