Drug abuse
Examples: cigarettes, drugs, alcohols
It might be hazardous
Drug addicts will get hallucinations and might accidentally commit suicide
Drug addicts might do something wrong unconsciously
Examples: murder
Smoking harm nearly every organ in our body
Others whom indirectly contact with the smoke might also be affected
Teenage pregnancy
Causing the increasing number of abandoned baby and abortion
Carry extra health risks
Teenagers doesn't get prenatal care soon enough will have a higher risk for pregnancy-related high blood pressure
Percentage of teenagers facing health problems such as anaemia, malaria, HIV are higher
They may suffer from mental disorder, such as depression
Risks for baby include premature birth and low birth weight
Education might be delayed, teenagers may decide to leave school due to pregnancy
Finance problems may arise before the birth or after the baby is born as raising up a child needs a lot of money
Underage driving
Peer pressure or a feeling of youthful invincibility
Feeling of bravery and thought they could get away with anything
Speeding and drink driving
Causing road accidents which might lead to death
Survivors may suffer from emotional scars
Driving with friends around causes distraction
Teenagers does not focus on the road but busy talking to friends
Inexperience and immature thinking
Teenagers naturally think that it is fine to take risk without getting harm
Teenagers doesn't have enough experience to deal and respond to road hazards
They often underestimate road hazards
Thesis statement:
To provide teenagers with unrestricted freedom, they may easily go astray and fall prey to undesirable situation such as underage drug abuse, pregnancy or driving under peer pressure.
I need about 800-1000 word Essay " Effects of Unrestricted Freedom among Teenagers " with at-least 3 Scholarly Source.