
To prepare for this assignment review this weeks readings

Question: You will complete and fill in the Week 3 of the matrix you will do the following

To prepare for this Assignment: Review this week's readings, focusing on the differences among the following four qualitative research approaches:

The Template is attached.

• Social constructionism and narrative inquiry

• Systems theory

• Ethnography/autoethnography

• Interactive and participatory qualitative applications

You can use the following articles among others

Hernandez, K. A. C., Ngunjiri, F. W., & Chang, H. (2015). Exploiting the margins in higher education: A collaborative autoethnography of three foreign-born female faculty of color. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 28(5), 533-551. doi:10.1080/09518398.2014.933910

Hutchinson, S. L., & Gallant, K. A. (2016). Can senior centres be contexts for aging in third places? Journal of Leisure Research, 48(1), 50-68. doi:10.18666/JLR-2016-V48-I1-6263

And you can use other articles but it must be scholarly and cite all work

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