
To identify opportunities for investigation answer the

Project Planning - Please type your responses within this document.

The Ways Children Construct Knowledge

To identify opportunities for investigation, answer the following, be as specific as possible:

  • How can the children conduct first-hand observations (list possible field trips, artifacts, experiments)?
  • Who can the children interview (experts that can visit the classroom)?
  • What open-ended questions will you ask to encourage further thinking? (list at least 8)
  • How will you involve families in the study?
  • What considerations and accommodations will be given for cultural differences in the classroom?
  • What considerations and accommodations will be given for children with special needs?

To identify opportunities for children to represent their learning, answer the following:

  • What art, model, or construction projects lend themselves to this study?
  • What opportunities are there to make charts, graphs, or maps?
  • What skits or plays might relate to the topic?
  • What opportunities might there be to write interviews or record observations? What else can they write?
  • How will you allow children to use technology to represent knowledge?

To identify opportunities for children to reflect on what they are learning, answer the following:

  • How can children keep a learning log or journal as a way to record what they are learning?
  • How will you use class meetings to encourage group reflection?
  • What questions will you pose to encourage children to reflect on their learning?
  • How can children return to their questions and assess whether or not they have found answers?

To identify opportunities for you to assess children's learning, answer the following:

  • What knowledge or skills will you specifically plan to assess? (refer to the standards that you listed in Project Planning Part One)
  • What strategies will you use to assess children's learning?
  • How will you document children's learning? What forms of technology will you use?
  • How will you communicate children's learning to parents?

Action Plan

  • How will you introduce the study to children and invite families to participate?
  • What event(s) will be used to focus your student's attention on this topic?
  • How might the study be sequenced and how will you involve children in determining its sequence? Provide a tentative outline.

Concluding the Project

  • How will you determine when to end the project?
  • Describe ideas for a culminating activity where children can share what they have learned with others.
  • What possible or potential topics may emerge for a new project?

Adapted from:

Bickart, T., Jablon, J., & Dodge, D. T. (1999). Building the primary classroom: A complete guide to teaching and learning. Washington, D.C.: Teaching Strategies, Inc.                                           

Helm, J. H., & Katz, L. (2011). Young investigators: The project approach in the early years (2nd ed.). Washington, D.C.: Teachers College Press.

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Other Subject: To identify opportunities for investigation answer the
Reference No:- TGS01654884

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