Module : Mastery Exercise
Question 1 : According to Yeganeh and Good, what are some ways to practice micro-actions?
a. observing the behavior that needs to be changed
b. brainstorming strategies for changing the behavior
c. determining which two micro-actions will make the biggest impact
d. All of the above
Question 2 : True or false? To help us understand what motivates an employee, we need to learn something about the employee's personality or work style.
Question 3 : According to Comaford, emotions, not intellect, drive _________ % of human behavior.
a. 25
b. 90
c. 75
d. 50
Question 4 : With the help of the ____________________, we know that people have maintained a conscious concept of leadership for at least 3,000 years.
a. Dead Sea Scrolls
b. Magna Carta
c. Egyptian hieroglyphs
d. Roman parchments
Question 5 : According to Yeganeh and Good, when thinking about changing behaviors, it is best to ___________.
a. change bad habits in big chunks
b. engage in micro-actions of no more than five seconds.
c. ignore them, everyone has faults
d. ask others what they think
Question 6 : When employees know they matter, they fall into the _____________state, where they have full access to their creativity, problem-solving ability, collaboration, and emotional engagement.
a. engaged
b. expert
c. smart
d. motivated
Question 7 : True or false? According to Reis and Geller, if it is a matter of skill, you need to help motivate the employee. If it is a matter of will, then you need to provide training for the employee.
Question 8 : What are the four building blocks that Reis and Geller believe can help motivate employees?
a. competence, empowerment, recognition, and feedback
b. competence, empowerment, relevance, and feedback
c. compensation, benefits, engagement, and feedback
d. compensation, benefits, time off and feedback
Question 9 : According to the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, __________is the most important overall job of the writer, to ensure the memo is read.
a. word choice
b. design
c. readability
d. formatting
Question 10 : Of the options below, which is NOT one of the top 10 things that motivate employees to do their best work?
a. Providing challenging opportunities for employees
b. the fear of losing their job
c. providing opportunities for employees to use creativity when working on projects
d. empowering employees to make decisions