Conceptual: To explore how voltage and current are related in a simple circuit composed of power sources and resistors arranged in series and then arranged in parallel.
Experimental Skills: Perform electrical measurements using voltmeter and ammeter.
1. Objective (in your own words)
2. Theory (one paragraph, in your own words)
3. Equipment and Uncertainty table
4. Data:
- Answers to the Prediction questions
- Create your own table with the results predicted values, instrumental uncertainties.
5. Analysis:
- Compare predicted and measured values
- Does the measured value full within the error margin of the calculated value? If not, what might be the reason? (''Human Error" is not an acceptable response).
6. Conclusion: Discuss your results ill terms of the objectives. In each study, done in this experiment, discuss how your results compare to theoretical expectations.
Some ideas for the discussion are given below, but the discussion is not limited to these points only.
- What happens to the currents through a series circuit as more light bulbs are added in series?
- What happens to the voltage across each bulb as more light bulbs are added in series?
- What happens to the current through a parallel circuit as more light bulbs are added in parallel?
- What happens to the voltage across each bulb as more light bulbs are added in parallel?