
to equip future accountants with the knowledge of

To equip future accountants with the knowledge of integrating the information system of an organization.

 Outcome: At the completion of the assignment, students should be able to perform the following tasks:

A working knowledge of the fundamental technology and principles underlying the development, implementation, and use of integrated enterprise information systems;

  • An understanding of the basics of enterprise software and its role in enabling business strategy;
  • The ability to identify the components of ERP systems chose an ERP System, identify ERP implementation issues, and determine how ERP systems should be managed;
  • Research skills, using standard library resources and electronic research technologies, relative to industry information, professional standards and business issues;
  • Practically apply concepts and technical guidelines;
  • The ability to work effectively in a team environment;

Assignment requirements:

1) Module of Fitter Snacker ( FS ) operations

  1.  Marketing Information Systems and the Sales Order Process

o   ERP module : Sales & Distribution

  1. Production and Supply Management Information Systems

o   ERP module : Production Planning

  1. Accounting

o   ERP module : Credit Management

  1. Human Resources

o   ERP module : Human Resources

2) Choose an ERP product that would cater to the particular needs of FS.

 The product must come from one of the ERP vendors below


  • Oracle
  • The Sage Group
  • Microsoft Dynamics
  • Infor Global Solutions


1) Choose two major ERP vendors,as listed in the group assignment.
2) Choose one module from each vendor. Module choices are modules listed in the group assignment. It must be different modules for each vendor.
3)  For each module, write a real life customer implementation of the module. The write-up should cover
- what were the problems of the customer ?
- the implementation challenges , duration of implementation
- impact of implementation

4) Include a real life example of a company who have also successfully implemented the said product in their operations.

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Marketing Management: to equip future accountants with the knowledge of
Reference No:- TGS0207140

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