
To enhance a clear understanding of the importance of marke


  • To enhance a clear understanding of the importance of marketing in modern business and to and provide a grasp of contemporary marketing practices;

  • Provide a theore cal overview of marke ng theory and practical application of innova ve marketing strategies;

  • Build research methods relating to samples and inferences par cularly in rela on to market research data collec on and analysis.

    How the assessment ts into the subject/course:

    Marketing in the 21st Century has dras cally evolved and is a critical component of business administra on. The design of Marketing plans is integral to business organisa on and the assessment for this subject aims to provide students with group and individual work to apply e ec ve marketing strategies.

    Linkages between Assessments 1 and 2:

    Assessment 1 requires students to create a case study and review marketing plans. Assessment 2 requires students to devise a marketing plan of products or services o ered by their own organisa on and to consider how the marketing plan will add value to their organisation.


    As a research task students will create a case study of a social enterprise and evaluate its marke ng plan. Students will work in pairs or groups of three to explore how the social enterprise developed its market and engaged market appeal.

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The development of the case study must incorporate the following elements:

  • Identify and analyse the market for a par cular service of product;

  • Explain and justify how the social enterprise was developed and for what market.

  • Analyse the importance of crea vity and ini a ve undertaken to develop a competive social enterprise;

  • Critically assess and evaluate the Marketing Plan;

  • Evaluate impacts such as nancial, social and political issue which may impact on marketing plan;

  • Demonstrate commercial awareness of product/service provision

  • Identify and compare relevant market trends and analyse the implica ons of market and environmental trends

  • Apply the 4 P's strategies and explain feasibility ensuring consistency with analysis of the market as well as providing recommenda on for strategy Output/Deliverable and parameters of the Assessment

    One submission of a case study and review of a marke ng plan consis ng of 3000-4000 words. Students may incorporate a range of mediums and formats in the case study e.g. Electronic tools and multimedia, etc.


  • An electronic library and reading guide is provided to all students including a range of e- textbooks and journals available through online journal databases including EBSCO.

  • Access to examples of case studies. Criteria

  • Identication and Analysis of Market

  • Application of knowledge to prac se

  • Knowledge and skills demonstrating creativity and initiative

  • Assessment of Marketing Plan

  • Team Work skills

    Learning Outcomes

  • Outline and implement the marketing research process and identify a range of methods of acquiring, using and storing data.

  • Critically evaluate the rela onship of marke ng process with the resources of an organisation and client needs with regards to the creation of value for the organisation.

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Management Theories: To enhance a clear understanding of the importance of marke
Reference No:- TGS01473060

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