
To develop critical reading

Learning Objectives

· To develop an original argument for a scholarly audience in a specific disciplinary area.

· To think critically about key texts in a specific area of the Humanities.

· To develop critical reading strategies.

· To evaluate scholarly sources using library resources.

· To practice summarizing, paraphrasing, and quoting.


Write a Critical Analysis Essay of 6-8 MS Word double-spaced pages that examines a contemporary problem or issue in the Humanities. Your essay should be written using the disciplinary conventions and terminology of your chosen concentration. It should clearly state the issue you are looking at as well as several components of this problem that you will focus on in particular. This i s an interpretative, not a fact gathering assignment.

Therefore, your final essay should show evidence of scholarship in your concentration and original analysis. In addition, it should have a clear thesis statement that states the issue you are looking at as well as several components of this problem that you will focus on in particular. The essay should also include a minimum of two quotes from two different key texts of scholars who have explored your topic (do not fill space with huge block quotes, your paper should have no more than 20% quoted content). It should also show a connection between your own analysis and your own experience.

IMPORTANT NOTES: ?Your essay will be graded for its originality, its attentiveness to the sentence, its edits, its liveliness, its scholarship, and its coherence. All essays must use one of the citation methods listed in the syllabus, and be 6-8 double-spaced MS Word pages.

There will be no extensions on this paper. If you do not get the essay in on time, you forfeit the grade. If anyone suspects they won't meet the deadline, get in touch with me well before the due date. Finally, all of your submissions should be made to the Assignment tab on Laulima, and please save the final document using your last name to identify the file.


This assignment is designed to get you thinking about an issue you will explore this semester, and to do research. While your ideas about the topic may change once you gain more knowledge, the final essay allows you to put your thoughts and questions into a formal piece of academic writing.


Please write your essay in a 12-pt font such as Times New Roman, Courier New, or Arial.

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Reference No:- TGS01192593

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